Sweet Melody certainly keeps us on our toes, and more importantly on our knees. We had an incident recently that renewed our gratitude for yet more time with our little love. Thankfully, in the midst of it, the Lord once again directed our steps, and Melody got the support she needed to get through this one.
On Friday, March 11, in the late afternoon Melody suddenly became very sleepy and was difficult to awaken. We put her on her C-PAP to give her support for her breathing, and even then she wasn’t consistent in being able to maintain good oxygen levels. I was praying for wisdom as I was analyzing Melody’s status. I communicated with Melody’s Daddy by phone, as he was working. I sensed this was one of those times when Melody would need to be taken to the hospital. When I checked Melody’s temperature and saw it was 103 degrees that sealed it.
Melody’s Daddy made it home quickly, and we took Melody to the closest hospital since it would have been a bit challenging to navigate through Friday evening rush hour traffic to go to Children’s Hospital. Melody was stabilized and transported by ambulance.
Once arriving at Children’s Hospital, Melody was not actually in too much distress. Getting her hydrated by IV fluid helped significantly. The viral tests came back positive for two fairly significant upper respiratory viruses. We are thankful that Melody has not been hospitalized for a virus for about a year and half now.

Melody looks like she is ready for her scuba diving lesson.
We were told that these viruses tend to peak on day 4-6. Sure enough on day 4 Melody went south. We are grateful for the PICU at Children’s and especially the respiratory therapists who are experts on suctioning. The main thing Melody needs when she is sick is suctioning to help her manage the congestion in her already narrow airways. At one point Melody went from needing just her little C-PAP mask to a full face mask. There was talk that maybe Melody would need to be intubated, but thankfully the need for that never transpired.
Melody was lethargic for several days and spent very little time awake. It was sad to see her in this state. I missed her pretty blue eyes and her little Melody spunk.
When she turned a corner, I was so happy to see her sweet personality resurface.

When Melody transitioned out of the PICU to the pulmonary unit, she was full of life and quite charming. At one point she flipped over to her tummy, started doing push-ups (literally), did a number on her C-PAP mask and pulled out her feeding tube (which was given to her temporarily because all the pressure from her mask could contribute to aspiration). This bought her a ticket to real food, as they opted not to reinsert the feeding tube at that point. I think she was most pleased with this turn of events.
We were told that when Melody transitioned out of the PICU she would most likely need over a week to recover in the pulmonary unit before going home. Not so. Melody’s condition turned around beautifully, and she was in the pulmonary unit for less than 48 hours. There was much rejoicing when we received word that she was able to go home!
We are thankful for the love, support and prayers of our friends and family during this time.
One thing that I sometimes forget is how much Melody’s life affects little ones around us.

Apart from Melody’s mischievous little push-up incident, she really was the sweetest little patient you could ever ask for.
One of my friends told me that there was much celebration in their home when they found out Melody was coming home. When my friend told her children the wonderful news, her two youngest started jumping up and down. Her daughter shouted, “She’s ALIVE!” and sang “Hosanna in the Highest”. We all thought that was really sweet. There is much rejoicing over here as well that Melody is indeed alive!

The car ride home!
We have yet more cause to rejoice that our Savior is alive. As we pause to reflect during this season, we contemplate the “infallible proofs” of the resurrection as referenced in Acts 1:3. We believe there are countless compelling reasons to consider the veracity of Scripture, some of which are listed here. We pray the Lord will minister to all of you during this season of celebrating the wondrous resurrection and the reason we have hope.
Luke 24:6a: “He is not here, but is risen!”

Happy siblings!

Welcome Home Big M!

Melody received a baby doll from her Uncle Joe and Aunt Karen for Christmas. She was so excited to see her baby doll when she got home. As you can see she is very loving to her baby and likes to kiss her.

We are happy to have Melody home and playing in her little kitchen.
Comments 7
What an incredible story of the past few weeks. We are all grateful to the hospital personnel for their expertise and to you, Melody’s family, for your support and ‘never stop’ attitude. We KNOW that Melody has an incredible resilience and desire to move forward. Thank you for keeping me in the ‘loop’. You know how much I love her and all of you, her very special family.
I love your reference to Luke 24:6a.
With love and continued prayers,
The whole Cunningham family is rejoicing with you today that Melody has bounced back and is blessing your family with her love and sweet spirit.
What a tremendous testimony you all are to trusting in your heavenly Father’s faithfulness. We are blessed and honored to have you as friends!
We are continuing to pray today, this Easter Day, for your family.
Alan and Julie
The title of this installment is what made me want to read it, because I knew that Melody made it into the sunshine! It was so heartening to see her beautiful smile and know that she made it back home again. Thanks to everyone for expert care, quick thinking and help from above. I just loved reading what your friend’s children shouted. They summed up the joy of all of us!
I’m thrilled to hear the good news! I kept thinking that she decided her story didn’t have enough drama in it, so she took care of that before the video was made. 😉 How much more joyfully, (if that’s possible), the kids will sing that song, now.
Love and continued prayers,
Praises and thanksgiving to our gracious and great God! We rejoice with all of you for Melody’s miraculous recovery! She loves her family so much and we can all see how much she is loved! What a blessing to be a part of ” Big M’s” family!
Much love,
Great Auntie Pat and Uncle Don
Thank you for sharing with me her sickness and her recovery.
Such a blessing
I’m sorry I didn’t hear about her illness so I could pray for her and your family
I was also recovering from a biopsy which turned good for me. No cancer and the Jognson church prayed for me also
God is blessed
Your friend in Christ
Having grown up with you since you were a little boy, I can’t tell you how proud I am of you today. You were always so well grounded, and God surely has blessed you, and your beautiful family. I see a lot of you in Melody, and the other children. Most importantly, I see a man who continues to pour into his family the way God would have him do so.
May you be richly blessed in every way. Well done his good a faithful servant.