A Note to Grieving Families

To those of you who have had your little one(s) go to be with the Lord, our hearts truly break for you.  We celebrate Melody’s life and rejoice in her successes; yet, we truly “grieve with those who grieve”.

When Melody was born she was was sent home on hospice with no hope of living.  When she was in the hospital and we were inundated with an overwhelming prognosis I listened to the hymn “I Surrender All” countless times.  I cried more tears than I thought humanly possible.  It was the most painful of all surrenders.  There is no trial that parallels the relinquishing of our babies.

We lived the first year and a half of Melody’s life thinking each day could be her last.  Many a night I was afraid to go to sleep, as I was concerned Melody would slip away in the night. One day the hospice nurse told me to call my husband home from work, as she suspected that this would most certainly be Melody’s last day.  There were countless times where we perceived we were at the end.

We cannot forget that pain – it runs deep.  We express with all sincerity that our hearts go out to you in an understanding way.  Melody’s life still has many uncertainties.  We know each day is to be treasured.

There was a time in Melody’s life that we were fairly certain that planning a funeral was in order.  We went to the cemetery to make plans for her to be buried in “Baby Land”.  We thought through the many details, one of which was a song that meant a lot to us at the time and helped me in the grieving process.  It is in the video above.

Your sweet little ones are continual reminder to all of us that life is fragile and every day is a gift.  It is with much compassion that we pray for those of you who have been given this difficult journey to walk.  We encourage you to lean into the Lord, as He alone can sustain us in these times.

The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart…
Psalm 34:18a