Just Like Any Other Girl…

(See a sweet video at the end…)

Unlike most little girls, Melody is non-verbal and does not walk without assistance. She has some challenges that are unique to her. Yet, in many ways, she is just like any other little girl.

Like any other girl she is designed to be a part of a community. She is quite the social girl and loves people! She wheels herself right up to anyone without any inclination to feel intimidated.

Like any other girl, Melody loves to swim! She has swim time every week. The physical therapist helps her build strength and balance.

Like any other girl she does not like to feel left out. One night, we put Melody to bed while the rest of us were hanging out as a family. Making her way in the dark, she crawled off her bed (a mattress on the floor) and headed for the door. When we went to see why she was making noises, we were met by smiles and kisses from a little girl who did not want to miss one minute of family time.

Recently, we went on a family trip to see some friends who live on a lake. It was Melody’s first time on a boat and she LOVED it. She lit up with smiles and squeals of delight when I asked her that evening if she had fun. There was talk that she would be staying back for the next day’s excursion. Apparently she did not like that idea and woke up bright and early the next morning to secure her spot on the boat!

When Melody was born, we were told she would not live. A nurse told me that if in the minuscule chance she lived, she would be “mentally retarded”. I asked her if it were possible that she wouldn’t be. “No,” she responded.

Thankfully we came across Glenn Doman’s profound work which dispelled that hopeless fallacy and brought remarkable hope. We have used his method for educating Melody with amazing results. Melody is actually quite intelligent.

Children with Trisomy 18 have damage to the part of the brain that controls speech and balance. That is why they typically do not walk and talk. They do not have damage to the cortex to their brain. Thus, they have the capacity to be very intelligent with significant input. As Glenn Doman brilliantly explains in his book The Pathway to Wellness, “There is no relationship between brain injury and intelligence. There is significant relationship between brain injury and the ability to express intelligence.” We are grateful for Glenn Doman’s program which has taught us how to help Melody reach her full potential. Melody loves learning time!

We think she knows how to read.

Just like any other little girl she loves when we read to her! One day her sister Gabby was reading a chapter book to her. Gabby stopped for a minute to answer a text. Melody crawled towards her and let out the cutest little squeal to let Gabby know she would like to continue reading. Once the reading resumed Melody was very excited!

Just like any other little girl she loves to hang out with her brother.

In some regards Melody shares the human experience like any ordinary little girl, but in some regards she is more in the category of extraordinary. She is extraordinary on several fronts. As her mom, I have the privilege of hearing from countless people about the many ways in which Melody is an inspiration.

The other day her chiropractor, Dr. Virgil, shared with us about how she inspires his clients. He specializes in scoliosis. He had a brace made that was tailored just for her and did a remarkable job with it. Dr. Virgil has clients who sometimes feel down about having to wear a brace and do the necessary exercises. When this happens, he tells them about “his favorite client” (i.e. Melody) and how she cannot walk or talk, yet she wears her brace without complaint.

She is extraordinary in that she does not resist when she is being asked to work hard to be an overcomer.

She is extraordinary in that she draws love out of almost everyone she meets, even unsuspecting people. I am not sure how she does it.

She is extraordinary in that she never does anything wrong. Nothing. Ever. She has never been angry, thrown a fit, or demanded her way. It is not because she does not have preferences. She just has a sweet, winsome way of letting us know when she wants something.

She loves to sing and worship God. Her sister sings with her almost every day. She LOVES music!

In the brief video below you can see her worshipping while her sister is singing to her. She has no pretenses, just a sincere and touching love for God. In fact, she appears to have the purest, most beautiful love for the Lord of anyone I know. Extraordinary she is!

Psalm 9:1-2

I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart;
I will tell of all Your marvelous works.
I will be glad and rejoice in You;
I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High.

Comments 13

  1. You give us a beautiful gift each time a post about Melody. Thank you for inviting us to share the journey. Cheering you on!

  2. Tears well up in my eyes as I watch precious Melody worship her Lord and Savior. What a miracle she is! I have to ask, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” No, resoundingly, No!
    Thank you for each peek into her journey. I love and miss you all!

  3. Extraordinary indeed- you all are. Thank you for sharing these stories of love and inspiration. I loved seeing her in the video and hearing her sister’s sweet voice. Just a beautiful moment in an incredible story. I am so grateful to have been a small part of it.

  4. I love her story! She is an amazing little girl. When she came to deliver my eggs the other day, I bent down and raised the brim of her little ball cap and she gave me the cutest little grin……three times!

  5. Thank you for sharing the updates! Melody is such an inspiring, extraordinary little lady! In the times that I had the privilege of spending with her, she encouraged me (with her lovely smile and singing) to rejoice in the Lord always and give thanks in everything! Love and miss that girl!

  6. You are ALL inspirations. Melody is just the beginning. We rejoice because the Lord has used her in countless lives through you all. The way you all love her AND are loved BY her is nothing short of beautiful. She does indeed bring joy. Thank you for your faithful sharing.

  7. Beautiful girl. Beautiful family. You are all treasures of miracles and tenacious faith and choices. I love you dearly and so thankful to call you friends.

  8. Thank you so much for this truly inspirational post. You are right, Melody is extraordinary because she has an extraordinary God and amazing family! Thank you with blessing me with this update and very moving video.

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