Melody’s Grand Adventure

Version 2

We have had a blessed summer and have enjoyed our time with little Melody.  This has been a wonderfully stable season for her.  Her sweet little personality is shining forth, and she is more endearing than ever.  She is communicating considerably more, even without words, which takes a bit of creativity and talent on her part. 😀  The best word I can think of to describe Melody is lovable.  She really is a delightful little girl!


We wanted to get Melody an outdoor swing for the summer.  However, all the disability swings we came across were too big for her.  Her neurodevelopmentalist recommended the Wingbo.  This was the perfect solution.  In this swing Melody does all the work.  So she builds muscle while having fun.  In this picture she is using it inside, but it can be hung from a tree outside as well.

DSC_7512Melody is growing both in height and weight, as well as increasing in strength.  She is now officially three and a half years old!

DSC_7426 (1)She has a charming little smile.

DSC_7544Here Melody is enjoying play time outside with her infamous duck.


Melody’s grandparents are approaching their 50th wedding anniversary.  In honor of this upcoming milestone, a family reunion was planned in California.  When we heard about this we wanted to go, but we are quite hesitant to travel with little Melody for obvious reasons.  After much prayer and consideration, we decided to journey to California with Melody in tow.

Melody was a good little traveler.  Reading books helped pass the time on a very LONG drive.

DSC_7581We made it to the first hotel. 😀

DSC_7576Once inside Melody was able to stretch out and practice her standing skills.  We visited with my Aunt Mary and Uncle Jerrie during this stop along the way.

DSC_7632We were so happy to arrive safely at Melody’s grandparents’ home! Melody was not stressed about traveling.  She was able to relax and enjoy her time there.

DSC_7688Here Melody is with her siblings and her grandma at her grandparents’ home.

DSC_7726She had fun spending time with Daddy on the deck.

13920166_10154422407022855_2534953996376849725_oOn the day of the reunion, Melody met quite a few relatives for the first time. Pictured above are the cousins and second cousins.

13913986_10154422401667855_3522789793667663661_oShe enjoyed hanging out with her buddy Flavio.  Melody was quite happy to go to relatives she has never met.  She likes to be held if you haven’t noticed.  😀

image1Melody loved being with sweet Auntie Pat!

DSC_7641Melody was delighted to have special cuddle time with her grandma.  (When Melody recently saw this picture on an i-pad, she leaned down to give Grandma a kiss.)

DSC_7651Grandma knows how to elicit precious smiles from her little Melody.

20160807_180018_1471059789500_resizedMelody was happy and relaxed in her grandma’s arms.  Melody’s grandparents have been a wonderful example of how to grandparent a child with disabilities.  They love and accept her just the way she is and genuinely rejoice in all her little accomplishments!


This is a remarkable sight right here. None of us could have anticipated this a couple of years ago.  Melody was not the only one in the family whose life has hung in the balance in the past 3 1/2 years.  Shortly after Melody was born her Uncle Dave had a cardiac arrest.  Several months later he had second cardiac arrest, was without oxygen for 35 minutes, and ended up in a coma for ten days.  Those were some tentative times for both Dave and Melody.  Two years ago Dave had a heart transplant, and we are pleased to see that he is making remarkable progress in his recovery.  Melody’s grandma expressed that this family reunion was a dream come true for her, as she had BOTH of her sons, along with ALL of her grandchildren present.  To God be the glory!


We were so happy to have Melody safely back in her little toddler bed after her grand adventure.  We are thankful for God’s protection all along the way.

DSC_7938 (1)

The other day Melody decided to imitate her siblings who spend a lot of time in the Word of God.  This has been a summer of focusing on the sweetness of meditating on the Scriptures and mining its treasures.  We are so thankful for all that God has done!

“Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.”  Psalm 119:105

Comments 14

  1. Absolutely beautiful!! God is so good. So pleased to see Melodía´s progress!! So glad you had such a wonderful trip.

  2. What a glorious reunion we had in Atascadero. Having both of our wonderful sons, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren under one roof even for a few short days was truly a dream come true. The “journey” that we have all been on for the past three years has truly been an opportunity to get to know God and His attributes in a very personal way. He continually has filled each of us with His perfect peace, wisdom, guidance, love, faithfulness, and compassion. To God be the Glory!

    Thank you to our dear families for making the trip. Love, Mom & Dad

  3. What a great testimony to God’s goodness! We are so glad you had a safe and enjoyable trip.

    Love, Ron and Patty

  4. I am so grateful to be able to follow Melody’s progress. To see her standing is such a joy!
    The trip, her progress, and your whole family are a testament to how you live your lives…
    in the presence of God.

    Thank you for sharing.

  5. Dear Precious Friends!
    We delight in this report and the beautiful pictures. Melody is such a sweet gift from God. All of you are such a tremendous encouragement to our family as we endure trials and think of you often. GLORY and PRAISES to GOD our KING for all he has done in and through you all to demonstrate love, steadfastness, faithfulness, joy, and victory. Isn’t it just like him to pour out beauty on what once “seemed” like ashes. Oooh the goodness of our King Jesus is marvelous isn’t it?!
    The Fine’s send hugs and kisses!

  6. Thank you for this update – God is SO good! We prayed and you heard His reply – so glad you all had this wonderful time together. Melody looks so – lovely, I guess is the word (or peaceful, happy, thriving…) – in her photos, and all of your children are beautiful. My heart is joyful for you!

  7. Reading your story of travel and happy family times together is such an inspiration! You made my day. I love seeing all of the wonderful pictures. I could just imagine the happy, blessed times you all had together as a family. Thank you for sharing your lives with others. You are truly inspiring – more than you realize.

  8. Amazing update on Melody’s life–she is a Joy and Inspiration to all of us. God has Blessed you all and all who have been watching Melody’s Miraculous life continue to flow and touch so many people. May God continue to be with all of you.
    love, joanie and jerry

  9. Wonderful!! Such a celebration to see how far Melody has come. Thank you so much for sharing her journey step by precious step.

  10. I am always in awe of the Lord’s hand upon Melody’s life. What a joy it was to see your extended family rejoicing together in God’s faithfulness. Thank you for sharing your grand adventure!

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