Look Who Turned Four!!!

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DSC_1060When Melody turned one it was an extraordinary event.  Back then we could not have imagined the remarkable milestones she would reach.  Yet, here she is FOUR years old and thriving!  We stand in awe of what God has done in her life.  Melody has had an amazing year.  As we reflect back on the past year we can see that she has:

Grown: Melody has gained some weight and grown in height as well.  Last year on Melody’s birthday she was in the 95th percentile for height and the 50th percentile for weight on the Trisomy 18 growth charts.  We are pleased to announce that she is now in the 95th percentile for both height and weight!  She is even on the charts for non-T18 children in both categories.  We are thankful she has been able to make these exceptional strides eating all her food by mouth.IMG_8335Cuddled: Melody is a little cuddle bear.  She loves to be held.IMG_8473
IMG_8427 (1)Inspired: A friend of mine noted that she thinks Melody has had more of an impact on our community than anybody else we know.  Melody has certainly touched lives and continues to do so.IMG_8782Offered Hope: Melody offers hope to those in the Trisomy 18 community.  There is a plethora of negativity when a child in the womb is labelled Trisomy 18.  These children are certainly more vulnerable, but Melody is a living example of how hope should not be abandoned and how each child can be treasured as a sweet gift every day they on this earth.IMG_8389

Played: Melody’s play time is getting more sophisticated now that she is stronger.


Melody no longer needs two walls forming a corner to support her standing. She can stand with a little support from just one wall, and now she is so strong and coordinated she can hold a ball at the same time!

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Yes, Melody has her own personal slide, and she is now getting strong enough to sit up on it and slide down.

Learned:  We are seeing excellent progress in Melody’s cognitive advancements.  Melody continues to do her learning cards and takes it all in.  She still loves her board books, but she is able to handle more sophisticated books now.  Little House on the Prairie picture books are some of her favorite.IMG_8822

Accomplished: Melody has made remarkable accomplishments this year – beyond what we ever could have expected.  With much credit to Dr. Jumper (her chiropractor), she can now sit up, stand (with a little support), articulate more sounds, etc.  It is with much joy that we observe her continual improvements.


Check out her incredible strength.

Fought off sickness:  Melody had one minor cold in September.  Since then she has been remarkably healthy – not one sickness.  It is not for lack of exposure, as we have even had various members of the family get sick on a few different occassions, and little Melody marched right on through without succumbing to it.  We are grateful for Dr. Jumper’s contribution to building up her previously weakened immune system.  Having a healthy year is an amazing gift, as Melody is more vulnerable than most when she is sick.


Melody’s immune system has been armed and ready to fight off what comes her way.

Blessed: Melody has a way of blessing those around her.  A friend of mine who comes to our home for a homeschool Spanish class each week noted that seeing Melody is her favorite thing about that part of the week.  How does Melody manage to elicit such responses when she cannot even speak in words?  Don’t ask me.   She just has that effect on people. 😀IMG_8373

Loved: Melody seems to love everyone just the way they are with the sweetest and purest of love.  We all need a Melody in our lives, do we not?


Melody’s Uncle Joe and Aunt Karen gave her the shirt above for her birthday. This is perfect for her, as she is the quintessential love bug.

Encouraged: Her smile speaks volumes and keeps us encouraged.  It is always good to feel like someone thinks you hung the moon, so to speak.IMG_8583

Contributed to another book:  Dr. Daniel Hyman wrote about Melody in a book that was published a few months ago titled, “Miracles We Have Seen: America’s Leading Physicians Share Stories They Can’t Forget.”  We were quite impressed with Dr. Hyman’s writing on our sweet girl, as well as a radio interview he did about the book.  He did an outstanding job and addressed a critical issue in the Trisomy 18 world of labeling these children as “incompatible with life”.  More on this in a future post.IMG_8989

Best of all, Melody continues to live out the purpose God has for her life: We love the line in Rafael’s video that was in the last post, “Even a long life is short and short life can be so full of meaning.”  Melody’s life is rich with meaning and purpose.  We couldn’t be any more proud of our little girl and grateful for the treasure that she is.IMG_8974

Happy 4th Birthday to our sweet little Melody!

Isaiah 43:7: Everyone who is called by My name,
Whom I have created for My glory;
I have formed him, yes, I have made him.


Comments 19

  1. A special greeting and hugs to little Melody! Even though I have not seen her in months, I recall her sweet smile as I cuddled her in my arms and looked into her loving eyes! God is displaying His love through her as He touches lives through her! She is indeed a treasure! Love to you all a very blessed birthday to Melody!!!

  2. Thank you for your update and the beautiful pictures of Melody. I always look forward to reading about what is going on in your family’s life, because it is so immensely inspirational.
    Your family is rare and beautiful, and we feel privileged to be considered your friends.

  3. Happy 4th Birthday to our sweet Granddaughter, Melody. Oma and Opa wished we could be there to help you celebrate this very big occasion. The pictures are wonderful and show the progress you have made in the last few months. We are very pleased to see you sitting and standing so big and strong. We love you so much!

  4. Happy Birthday to an amazing little girl who beautifully reflects the Lord’s glory throughout the world. May you continue to bring joy to those around you. God bless you with many, many more birthdays!

  5. Happy 4th Birthday, Sweet Melody! You are truly an inspiration to us all. You are “The Little Engine that Could”!

  6. Happy 4th Birthday sweet Melody! It is such a blessing and joy to see you almost every week and we marvel at all that the Lord has done in your life… not to mention the impact your beautiful life as on others! Love, the Wilson Family!

  7. Happy Happy Birthday “dear” Melody!
    Loved reading and seeing those wonderful pictures showing of all of your accomplishments this past year! You are truly such an inspiration to all the lives you have touched! God’s blessings to you all!
    Great Auntie Pat and Uncle Don

  8. Happy 4th Birthday Sweet Melody! We are praising the Lord and doing the happy dance about what God has done! We are just so excited and so blessed with how God is strengthening you each and every day!

  9. ¡Feliz cumpleaños, querida Melodía! ¡Qué bendición eres! Cuando pienso en ti y en tu familia, quiero sonreír. Muchas bendiciones, Sra. Kuenn

  10. Happy Birthday little one from God……You truly have been a blessing to all. We enjoy seeing you grow up (via photos) to be a big 4 year old. Bubbles and balloon cheers.
    Jack and Phyllis

  11. Yes, Melody certainly brings so much joy to our lives. What a wonderful year it has been for you all. Thank you for sharing.

  12. Happy 4th Birthday, Melody!! We love you and your family very much!
    You remain an inspiration to all and are truly a gift from the Lord.
    Love, Ron and Patty

  13. Melody,
    Have a very Blessed 4th birthday and upcoming Year.
    You are a beautiful Miracle, and have brought the Joy of Christ to many people.
    You are amazing!!!!
    Love, joanie and jerry

  14. Oh my goodness !!!! God’s blessings on Melody and your entire family are over whelming.
    Thank you soo much for sharing. I need to come over and see you ALL before everyone is grown and moved away from home!!!!
    Love to all and God’s continued blessings!!!!

  15. Hi! I had the honor of meeting Melody’s parents at Children’s Hospital this month.

    My name is Kay Jenner and I sat behind you at a conference and had a great conversation that I will not ever forget. I am amazed by your family, your faith, and of course little Melody. Thank you for sharing your story with me! Happy 4th Melody!
    May God bless you always!

  16. God truly is wonderful!! I’ve often thought of you darling Melody and wondered………through answered prayer we found each other once again! God is Great!!
    All my love ❤️!

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