In 2013 we received a gift. Her name is Melody. She was 4 lbs., 14 oz. She did not open her eyes, she did not cry, and she did not move when she was born.
Today our little gift is doing amazingly well! This past year she has grown physically and intellectually and has become more connected on several fronts. She laughs, smiles, and communicates more, and has yet more friends who love her dearly.
Melody’s oldest sister organizes quite a bit of nursing home ministry. She plays piano for the residents, and the young people from church sing. This year, Hannah decided to bring Melody to visit the residents.
Melody was on a mission to be a blessing to others. She ministered to these precious people in a profound way as only Melody can do.
I have heard from countless people locally as well as in other states and even other countries how Melody has ministered to them, encouraged them, comforted them, blessed them, and inspired them.
Melody is definitely living out her mission and her purpose on this earth.
Melody’s life has at times been accompanied by heartache (when we thought she would not make it), challenges unique to her, and significant sacrifices. Yet there have been countless blessing along the way.
David Livingston, a famous physician missionary once noted that people talk of the sacrifices he has made in spending his life on the mission field in another country. His response was, “It is emphatically no sacrifice. Say rather it is a privilege.”
Likewise, we can talk of the sacrifice involved with caring for a child with Trisomy 18. Say rather it is a privilege.
Melody has changed the dynamics of our family. Her sweet presence is a continual reminder that each day is a gift. Her four siblings are united around the common goal of giving Melody the best life possible. She is at the heart of our home.
Melody is indeed a gift. She is just wrapped in a different package.
James 1:17 “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”
Comments 13
I love this! It is a privilege to care for others. What an awesome gift Melody is! The sibling togetherness is wonderful. I pray for her and your family whenever you come into my thoughts. Have a great 2025!
As with every Melody update, I was moved to tears by the beautiful notes and pictures. Your family, and Melody, have brought joy and amazement to me and my family, and to so many others. I feel privileged to be included on the updates, am grateful to Dr. Hyman for sharing Melody’s story with me, and pray that Melody and your whole devoted family have a year of continued growth and fulfillment.
We, as proud grandparents, can only echo this theme, that sweet Melody is indeed the gift that keeps on giving to our family in countless ways. We love to witness each of her siblings care for her needs, shower her with love, huddle together during Melody’s tough times, and best of all, they include her in their normal routine of social outings. We can only imagine the joy she brought to the nursing home residents. She was included a few days ago on a shopping expedition to buy her Opa a new chair and an impromptu lunch date after this purchase. We are looking forward to her soon to be celebrated 12th birthday event. We anticipate great things with our little “gift” in 2025.
Sweet Melody has a birthday coming soon! Praise God for His goodness! What a gift!
I love following her story – thanlks to much for sharing. Such a sweetheart.
You and your family are a living testimony to the power of God every day!! Keep reaching hearts with God’s love. We love you all!
It is evident that Melody is a strong thread that connects the family and friends together…the thread must be elastic as it seems to stretch quite far.
Beautiful story on Melody and her sweet family.
I looked up the meaning of Melody’s name: “a sequence of single notes that is musically satisfying.” How fitting. Very single note, each an act of giving, combines into a beautiful song of love.
I love Melody soooo much. She is an inspiration to me, and everyone one that is touched by her. When I am around my lil buddy I feel God’s love radiating from her. Your daughter/sister is God’s gift to the world. Melody is love. What a blessing she is to your beautiful family.❤️
Loved the way your framed this post around the quote “It is emphatically no sacrifice. Say rather it is a privilege.” I’ll be meditating on that going into the new year. Love and Hugs to you all!
What a sweet song….that Melody’s life sings!!! We love Melody….love watching her family shower her with so much love!!! And you’re SOOOO right…..every good gift does come from our gracious God…..& her packaging is different but no less amazing….!!! Your testimony shouts your faith in our God…..who chose perfectly to bring Melody to HIS chosen family!!! We’ve all been blessed by Melody!! Happy 12th birthday sweet Melody!!!!
What a gift who can see her. A true Blessing from the Lord.