We are thankful for all the Lord has done in and through Melody’s life. We stand in awe of how well she is doing in her little journey of life.

This past year, Melody has spent time with old friends…

…and made new ones.

She has grown in her mobility skills and…

…had lots of playtime.

Melody has grown intellectually. One of the many things Melody’s sister, Hannah, taught her this past year is the Romantic composers (with Glenn Doman’s teaching style). She has taught her their names and various facts about each one. Hannah also plays recordings of each composer’s music while Melody crawls to the card with that composer’s picture. Melody loves that! She is partial to Chopin and can be found playing with this learning card even after learning time is over.😉 Recently, Hannah tested Melody on her composers. She held up two cards at a time and asked her, “Which one is…” Can you guess how many she got right? All of them!

Melody has enjoyed brother time…

…and just hanging out.

She has blessed us with her adorable smiles.
She has laughed more than she ever has in the past (video above): Sometimes when we are talking about something funny, she starts laughing. It is so cute.

Melody has enjoyed Hannah’s musical talent (and attempted to accompany her at times).

She has spent countless hours reading books.

Melody has had some obstacles to overcome. Her life obviously presents some challenges for us, especially since she is non-verbal. This is an opportunity for all of us to grow in our astute detective skills to figure out what troubles her when she is uncomfortable (usually teething or her tummy). It definitely makes us more dependent on God for wisdom, as only He knows what goes on in her mind. We often associate difficult with bad. Yet, as Edmond Clowney notes, “Trials should not surprise us, or cause us to doubt God’s faithfulness. Rather, we should actually be glad for them. God sends trials to strengthen our trust in Him so that our faith will not fail. Our trials keep us trusting; they burn away our self confidence and drive us to our Savior.”

Above all, she has glorified God with her every breath, as that is what she does best!

“The Spirit of God has made me,
And the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” Job 33:4
Comments 24
this is so awesome – well done I know how hard this journey can be – I can see so many similarities as my daughter had as non verbal and development. well done sending hugs from New Zealand.
She never ceases to amaze me.
God is faithful beyond our understanding.
Thank you for including me.
Happy Birthday!❤️
Oh dear Melody, how I’ve missed you! We are so blessed to know you and your precious family… hopefully we can visit in person soon!
So PRECIOUS!!! Happy Birthday sweet girl!!
Dear Family,
It doesn’t seem possible that in just 45 days we will be joining you all in “our” new state. God has been so good in giving us this opportunity to live closer to each other and to share actively in all of Melody’s accomplishments, and to be involved with and interact with Melody’s sisters and brother as well. Your family has continually demonstrated that “with God, ALL things are possible.” (Matt. 19:26)
Blessings dear family,
Love, Oma & Opa
Happy birthday precious Melody! We love you and miss you!!!
Happy 9th Birthday Melody! You are a beautiful little girl. The Mesinars can’t wait to meet you.
Happy Birthday beautiful girl! You are amazing with an equally amazing family it’s a blessing and joy to know all of you. Thank you for your generous sharing of Melody. She is my inspiration . ❤️☀️
Happy Birthday Melody! You sure have wonderful siblings, that love you so much!
Happy birthday Melody!! You look so precious in your pictures!!
It brings me such joy when I get these updates and see this beautiful child from God.
Hope your new state is still bringing you joy and blessings! ❤
So moved to see this latest installment of the miracle that is Melody. May this year bring more progress for her and more joy for all of you. Just as you are blessed to have her, she is so blessed to have you, her wonderful and loving family. Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Melody,
You and your precious family are an inspiration.
God Bless you all.
¡Feliz cumpleaños! God is amazing. Praying continued blessings and grace for all of you. You are a blessing and inspiration to me. Hugs, Nancy
Wow❣️Wow❣️Wow❣️ This is always a beautiful testimony of our glorious Lord and His faithful servants (the Thenhaus family) We love you❣️ Happy birthday!!!
Once again, Melody defies the odds! Chopin is a favorite – good taste, Melody! Keep up the GREAT work!
Melody, you are doing such a good job! I love hearing about your adventures and the things you are doing and accomplishing. ❤️ The most amazing thing of all is how much you inspire the rest of us to be our best selves! I am so thankful for your family, sweetie!! How amazing that they work with you so much, and if they ever tire, we certainly can’t tell! You are one loved kiddo! -Dr. Jane
Happy belated Birthday Melody!! What a joy read about your progress and how you enjoy music. Your smile and life creates in us a melody in our heart … truly your name reflects your inner joy. With our love and prayers, Mr & Mrs E
Happy belated Birthday Melody!! What a joy read about your progress and how you enjoy music. Your smile and life creates in us a melody in our heart … truly your name reflects your inner joy. With our love and prayers, Mr & Mrs E
Happy Birthday, Melody!! You’re amazing, and we thank God for you!!
The Hardens
Happy Birthday Dear Melody! 9 is a fabulous age and you look fabulous doing it! You are a blessing to so many and an inspiration to all. Praise God that He knit you together for such a time as this and chose such a sweet family to grace His Melody with. You bring a song to all our hearts. Chopin is an excellent choice! You have excellent taste!
Sarah and all my guys
Celebrating this truly incredible journey!!!
Once again it proves that by the grace of God, and being surrounded by a loving family and friends can accomplish miracles.
Melody’s story is so inspiring. May she continue to grow and enjoy life. You have a beautiful, supportive family and I wish all of you the best.